Service Review Processes

Implicit to good government is ongoing strategic-level review of what a council does, the services it delivers and at what levels.

In a fiscally-constrained environment , continuing to do things just because they’ve always been done in the past is not acceptable. This is the sharp edge of long-term financial sustainability.
A service review regime is a structured process of questioning what you do, why and how much community resource you commit to it.
A service review process needs to address your overall service offering and mix, at the macro level first. There should also be periodic strategic ‘deep-dive’ cyclical reviews of individual services and functions.
Where there is systemic change to the wider policy landscape and/or funding (early years, CHSP etc.), structured service review is especially important.
Your service review model needs to address the key ‘if, what, how and how much’ questions at the most fundamental level.

Talk to our team about building your council’s service review framework and process.