Social / Community Enterprises
The fast-growing social and community enterprise sector offers a new pathway to combine strong financial and business discipline with the pursuit of social and community goals.
The issues and challenges in play in this field are nuanced and quite different to the not-for-profit/community sector.
In the social/community enterprise world, profit can play a central and legitimate part in the business plan. It might even distribute part of any profit to owners/shareholders as a private company would.
But in this world, goal clarity and structural/institutional protection of non-financial community and social goals must remain paramount. And, importantly, the majority of any distributed profit must go to social and community goals.
A key part of setting up a social or community based enterprise is the structure and the business plan.
Cooperatives (distributing and non-distributing), companies and incorporated associations should all be considered, with the choice being whatever is fit-for-purpose. A key consideration in this context is does the new entity need to raise capital?
Our team has prepared strategic plans, business plans and developed/advised on appropriate governance/entity structures for numerous social and community enterprises.
Contact us to discuss your needs.