Beneficial Enterprises and
Joint Ventures

(including public library governance transition)

Councils have long participated in various forms of collaborations, businesses and joint ventures to delivery services.

Developing a collaborative structure to deliver a service is a multi-faceted challenge for councils (now covered under the beneficial enterprise provisions of the Local Government Act).

Choosing an appropriate legal, entity and governance structure is a core consideration. Other factors are consideration of the risk profile, including commercial and financial risks, but also many other types of risk. At the front, you need to ensure that goals, values and expectations of all the partners are aligned. Other factors are the legal requirements of the Corporations Act /other Acts, the basis of cost sharing, role boundary demarcation and exit provisions.

In all cases, community needs and service level impacts must be paramount.

For Regional Library Corporations, this is a current challenge over the next few years.

Mach 2 advises on the transition of council joint ventures/enterprise and on the proposed formation and options for new joint venture undertakings and enterprises (including risk assessments).